
2018/8/7 -The simplest way to adjust your P values is to use the conservative Bonferroni correction method which multiplies the raw P values by the number ...

A separate adjusted P value is computed for each comparison in a family of comparisons. But the value of these adjusted P values depends on the entire family.

Key facts about multiplicity adjusted P values. •A separate adjusted P values is computed for each comparison in a family of comparisons. •The value of each ...

This paper proposes that results from simultaneous tests be reported as adjusted P-values such that, if the adjusted P-value for an individual hypothesis is ...

Use for multiple comparisons in ANOVA, the adjusted p-value indicates which factor level comparisons within a family of comparisons (hypothesis tests) are ...

For studies with multiple outcomes, p-values can be adjusted to account for the multiple comparisons issue. The 'p.adjust( )' command in R calculates adjusted p ...

When we set a p-value threshold of, for example, 0.05, we are saying that there is a 5% chance that the result is a false positive. In other words, although we ...

2021/9/28 -The simplest method is a so-called Bonferroni correction. This means multiplying the p-values by the number of hypotheses, in this case six, ...

2002/6/17 -Classicists believe that if multiple measures are tested in a given study, the p-value should be adjusted upward to reduce the chance of ...

A p-value adjustment is necessary when one performs multiple comparisons or multiple testing in a more general sense: performing multiple tests of significance ...

A.ANOVA 使えるなら Tukey で大丈夫だと思います. で,レビュワーの指令は,「ANOVA の p 値と 多重比較の p 値を載せろ」なので,その2つを載せた上で,現状の結論と矛盾が出なけれ
