

Each GNU distribution should come with a shell script named configure. This script is given arguments which describe the kind of machine and system you want to ...

A configure script is an executable script designed to aid in developing a program to be run on a wide number of different computers.

Like most GNU software, GCC must be configured before it can be built. This document describes the recommended configuration procedure for both native and ...

2012/6/12 -To create the standard "configure" script you need GNU autoconf. You may need GNU automake and libtool too. There are tons of documentation and howtos.

The addvariant utility knows how to work with code that uses a GNU ./configure script for configuration.

The GNU configure and build system · Introduction · Goals · Tools · Getting Started · Write configure.in · Files · Developer Files · Configuration Names.

A.HideakiTanaka ==>質問者の氏名なら、ぼかした方がいいのでは、、、、 Cコンパイラー(gcc)がないか、パスが通っていないのでは、、、、、 エラーがある為にMakefile...

A../shell.c の360: 行目近辺に main 関数があるみたいです。 392 行目に break point 張ったらブレークしました。 391: /* Catch early SIG...

2024/8/5 -The configure script is responsible for getting ready to build the software on your specific system. It makes sure all of the dependencies for the rest of the ...

[CONFIGURE-AC or DIRECTORY] ... Install the GNU config.sub and config.guess scripts in the DIRECTORIES or the directory trees driven by CONFIGURE-AC ...

Autoconf-generated configure scripts allow your site to provide default values for some configuration values. You do this by creating site- and system-wide ...

Conan is an open source, decentralized and multi-platform package manager for C and C++ that allows you to create and share all your native binaries.