Searches subject for matches to pattern and replaces them with replacement . To match an exact string, rather than a pattern, consider using str_replace() or ...

2022/2/8 -You can use $orig = "Go 'outside'Please"; $replaceWith = "OUT"; $out = preg_replace_callback("/'outside'([a-zA-Z0-9])?

The preg_replace() function returns a string or array of strings where all matches of a pattern or list of patterns found in the input are replaced with ...

2017/1/20 -... textData = preg_replace('/<p class="AAA">[\s\S]*?<\/p>/', '<div class="CCC">$0</div>'."\n", $textData); //$0にはクラスの中の文(<p class="AAA ...

ID部分は全て数字であると仮定します。iddとdx、ideとex、idfとfxというように対応する必要があるならば$textdata = preg_replace('/id([d-f])\d*+$1x/', ...

preg_replace() - Perform a regular expression search and replace; preg_last_error() - Returns the error code of the last PCRE regex execution; Anonymous ...

2024/2/18 -... preg_replace("/({$val})/u"," #{$val} ",$postData); } } return $postData; } } $textData = '単なる自分が使いたい機能です、無かったので作って ...

2023/4/14 -The PHP `preg_replace()` function performs a pattern-based search and replace operation on a given string. It takes three required arguments: A ...

2005/1/12 -Hello, I'm new to this site and PHP. First let me say that I have no experience with PHP whatsoever apart from simple include() and ...

// ヘルプ表示 : リンク書き換え$body = preg_replace ... preg_matchの不具合ではまりました)。環境はpukiwiki-1.4 ... textdata, FALSE, FALSE); // v 1.4. この方法の場合 ...