
2017/2/24 -The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality (and rate control) setting for the x264 and x265 encoders, and it's also available for ...

2023/9/23 -If the profile is High 4:4:4 Predictive you can use -crf 0 to create a lossless video, otherwise use -qp 0 (High 10 profile does not support ...

2019/6/15 -The short answer is: no, you are not likely to get visual benefits, or at least none that most people will notice.

2022/6/26 -The CRF is just a level that you can adjust with the SAME profiles and same settings, means if you have x264 preset slow and x264 preset slower ...

2010/12/25 -crf 16では0.99に近い値が出ており、crf 18で0.987, crf 19で0.986, そしてcrf 20で0.985と、なかなか良い数値が出ている。

2021/1/17 -x264crf (動画出力の品質レベル) について、実験から適正値を考察してみました。

2020/10/30 -A CRF of 18 in x264 corresponds to 20 in x265. Does that mean they give about the same file size? Or the same image ...

2015/1/23 -The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality setting for the x264 encoder. You can set the values between 0 and 51, where lower values would result in ...

I would like to create a custom profile for the H264 export. When I use x264 I often use Constant Rate Factor because this brings better quality than a variabel ...

2021/3/28 -In theory, slower presets reduce the resulting filesize at the cost of higher computational requirements. In practice, diminishing returns hit really hard.