

2023/7/26 -The rule of thumb for X264 and X265 is that for every 3 steps down in CRF, you should expect the filesize to double.

2021/4/13 -The answer to the OP's question would be: a value of crf=25.14 for the vp9 codec should encode a video with about the same quality.

2010/12/25 -crf 16では0.99に近い値が出ており、crf 18で0.987, crf 19で0.986, そしてcrf 20で0.985と、なかなか良い数値が出ている。

2017/2/24 -The Constant Rate Factor (CRF) is the default quality (and rate control) setting for the x264 and x265 encoders, and it's also available for ...

2019/6/15 -The short answer is: no, you are not likely to get visual benefits, or at least none that most people will notice.

2023/9/23 -This guide focuses on the encoder x264. It assumes you have ffmpeg compiled with --enable-libx264. If you need help compiling and installing see one of our ...

x264 is a software library and command line application for encoding H.264 / AVC developed by VideoLAN, the people behind the ever-popular VLC Media Player.

2018/9/12 -Normally is assumed that x264 CRF = x265 CRF -2 (x264 CRF 17 = x265 CRF 19) but this is not always true and can vary from video to video.

2013/11/18 -The crf flag ensures a variable bitrate for constant quality, if I understand the page linked below correctly. The default range is from 4 to 63, but it can be ...

2017/3/1 -CRF 20~23 may not appear lossless ("visually transparent") if the video is 360p, scaled to a much larger screen during playback. CRF 30 may be ...