

2024/4/18 -Cause. Incorrect or missing PTR record of the sender's mail server. Resolution. Contact the server hoster or provider of the IP address in ...

2013/11/8 -I strongly suggest that you double check that your IP, or sending domain, is not indicated as an offending one by SPAM designators.

2014/12/23 -You need a PTR record that resolves to the hostname of your sending server. Might also want to look into SPF records for your ...

2020/7/6 -25 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, [xxx.xxx.xxx.130]};{FQDN=};{IP=}]'. I am getting this error message only when the user sends ...

2018/12/23 -To avoid this error message, the reverse entry of an IP must match the domain name. This can be checked with the two commands nslookup [IP-des- ...

2020/10/14 -Our e-mails are getting queued, because "450 3.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find you hostname, [...] (in reply to RCPT to command)"

2018/8/22 -I'm currently messing around with my mail-setup here. Everything is working properly except receiving mails (which should obv. work). I'm running the setup in ...

2019/2/8 -You should be able to force a PTR record through unbound by adding the following to data/conf/unbound/unbound.conf in the server block.

2021/2/16 -Checks against the hostname are needed to ensure that the hostname is properly resolving to the server. Here are the commands needed to perform this check.

2020/4/14 -This specific error seems to have something to do with the PTR record for the server. How do i fix this problem.