
Octave supports integer matrices as an alternative to using double precision. It is possible to use both signed and unsigned integers represented by 8, 16, 32, ...

While many numerical computations can't be carried out in integers, Octave does support basic operations like addition and multiplication on integers. The ...

これは単一の値であって,整数,小数,科学(指数)表記の数値,あるいは複素数をとることができます。すべての数値定数は,Octave の内部では倍精度浮動小数点形式で表 ...

Octave supports integer matrices as an alternative to using double precision. It is possible to use both signed and unsigned integers represented by 8, 16, 32, ...

2019/11/19 -Integer division in Octave ... I want to perform an integer division in Octave (I'm using the latest version 5.1.0 ). I tired doing idivide(5, 2, ...

浮動小数点数を整数に変換するとき、関数 cast は数値を最も近い整数に丸めます。浮動小数点数の小数部が厳密に 0.5 の場合、これはゼロ方向とは反対の絶対値が大きい方の ...

This video covers the different integer types available in Matlab (and Octave), including how to convert numbers to these integer types and ...

YouTube-Neal Holtschulte

2023/1/10 -Really I want to get max possible value for data type of a matrix which is related to an image. For example for an uint8 image such I it must ...

There are also conversions for printing an integer argument as an unsigned value in octal, decimal, or hexadecimal radix ( `%o' , `%u' , or `%x' , respectively); ...

2023/9/29 -bug #64726: betainc: internal integer input logic can be improved ; Category: Octave Function, Severity: 3 - Normal ; Priority: 5 - Normal, Item ...

A.こんにちは. liboctave を利用した行列積とのことですので, Matrix クラスの * オペレータを用いたということでしょうか. ソースコードを参照してもらえば分かるのですが, * ...