
A query format is passed to RPM after the --queryformat argument, and normally should be enclosed in single quotes. This query format is then used to print the ...

2019/6/19 -I'm trying to understand RPM Query Format, and I'm not able to get anything to return from these. ~~~ rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME} %{VENDOR}\n' ...

List of --queryformat Tags · The NAME Tag · The VERSION Tag · The RELEASE Tag · The EPOCH Tag · The SUMMARY Tag · The DESCRIPTION Tag · The BUILDTIME Tag · The ...

2021/4/6 -We are trying to query the list of installed packages on our linux boxes and send the output to a csv. Part of the requirement is that we ...

Here's how it works: On the RPM command line, include --queryformat. Right after that, enter a format string, enclosed in single quotes ``'''. The ...

2017/5/19 -I am trying to get a list of all packages that are installed on my system. For this I call 'rpm -qai' from within a Python-script where further ...

Keep in mind that the list of tags produced by the --querytags option is the complete list of all tags used by RPM internally; for instance, during package ...

The RPM query format option ( --queryformat or --qf ) is extremely useful for gathering detailed information about a system, but the documentation is lacking. I ...

Creating custom queries. The --qf or --queryformat option allows you to create custom queries with the rpm command, although in a rather difficult manner.

2021/10/22 -rpm -qa --queryformat='%{name} %{evr} %{modularitylabel}\n'. But there's no repoid or ui_from_repo field. This works: Raw. dnf repoquery -a ...

A.lsbのバージョン3.2もしくはそれ以降のバージョンが必要です。 lsb >= 3.2 という意味だと想うんですが、どうでしょう?
