
PHP and JavaScript AJAX library · 0.5.8 (beta) was released on 2017-02-02 by cweiske (Changelog). Easy Install. Not sure? Get more info. pear install HTML_AJAX ...

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HTML_AJAX. PHP and JavaScript AJAX library · 0.5.8 ( ; HTML_BBCodeParser. This is a parser to replace UBB style tags with their html equivalents. This package has ...

PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components. PEAR is short for "PHP Extension and Application Repository" and is pronounced just ...

This package provides a way to add a loading bar fully customizable in existing XHTML documents. Your browser should accept DHTML feature. Features: - create ...

2007/5/15 -まずクライアント側とサーバ側の仲介を行うスクリプトです。 <?php require_once 'HTML/AJAX/Server.php'; class ...

PEAR-HTML_AJAX, PHP and JavaScript AJAX library. PEAR-HTML_Common, Base class ... PEAR MDB combines the PEAR DB and Metabase php database abstraction layers.

PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository has 518 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

PEAR HTML_AJAX 0.3.0 through 0.5.7 has a PHP Object Injection Vulnerability in the PHP Serializer. It allows remote code execution. In one viewpoint, the ...

PEAR is an acronym for PHP Extension and Application Repository. It is a repository of PHP packages or extensions. You can freely incorporate any of these ...