
singleton(), Available, Returns a MDB2_Driver_Common instance. A new MDB2_Driver_Common object is only created once using factory(), subsequent calls to ...

MDB2 The main MDB2 class. This is simply a utility ... When calling MDB2::factory or MDB2::connect for ... singleton [line 454]. mixed singleton( [mixed $dsn ...

Introduction: PEAR MDB2 is a project to merge PEAR DB and Metabase into one DB abstraction layer. You can get info on these at: PEAR DB: http://pear.php.net ...

Breadcrumbs. MDB2. /. MDB2.php. Top. File metadata and controls. Code ... ::errorMessage(). */ define('MDB2_OK', true); ... singleton($dsn = null, $options = false) ...

2011/6/8 -Other solution is using a Singleton Class to access the database, so that there is a function that always returns the reference to your $mdb2 ...

PEAR MDB2 is a project to merge PEAR DB and Metabase into one DB abstraction layer. For mor information about these projects, see: PEAR DB · Metabase. At these ...

The Log::singleton() method implements the Singleton Pattern. The singleton ... Is true, use a singleton database object using MDB2::singleton(). The Null ...

接続 - phpspot

  1. https://phpspot.net
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  5. package.database...
  1. https://phpspot.net
  2. php
  3. man
  4. pear
  5. package.database...

// 存在しない場合は MDB2::factory() で新しいインスタンスを作成します。 $mdb2 =& MDB2::singleton($dsn, $options); if (PEAR::isError($mdb2)) { die($mdb2-> ...

2015/7/5 -Practical example::database class. Let's demonstrate the singleton pattern with a class that establishes a database connection, and restricts ...

2013/11/12 -Anything that is output on the screen. Anything in apache error log /var/log/apache2/error.log try var_dump'ing $mdb2 = MDB2::singleton($dsn, $ ...