
2022/10/13 -The WinUsb_GetDescriptor function returns the requested descriptor. This is a synchronous operation.

It can discover this by using the Get Descriptor (Device) command. This request is one which the device must respond to even on address 0. Typically (i.e. with ...

The device descriptor includes information such as what USB revision the device complies to, the Product and Vendor IDs used to load the appropriate drivers and ...

2024/1/16 -This article describes how to get descriptors from the device at the endpoint, interface, configuration, and device level.

A high-speed capable device that has different device information for full-speed and high-speed must have a Device Qualifier Descriptor ...

Set Descriptor/Get Descriptor is used to return the specified descriptor in wValue. A request for the configuration descriptor will return the device descriptor ...

Returns the USB device descriptor. Not implemented by WMI. This method is inherited from CIM_USBHub. Example. Do not run below example code just to see what ...

The Device Descriptor (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR) is the root of the descriptor tree and contains basic device information. The unique numbers, idVendor and ...

2020/12/8 -Today I'll be briefly covering descriptors and how to send and receive data on endpoint 0 between the device and the host. So let's take a look ...

USB descriptors - libusb

  1. https://libusb.sourceforge.io
  2. group__libusb__desc
  1. https://libusb.sourceforge.io
  2. group__libusb__desc

A structure representing the SuperSpeed USB Device Capability descriptor This descriptor is documented in section of the USB 3.0 specification. More...