2015/2/2 -A. Able Garrison · Abomination Factory · Aldmor Accelerator · Aldmor Conduit · Aldmor Conflux · Amulet of Conjuring · Anmor's Elixir ...

A tale of Shadow Era The Disciple of Aldmor's part in the story began when she left The Wilds with Rothem, after he had acquired the know-how and pieces to ...

When Carniboar kills an ally in combat, it gains +1 base attack and +1 health. 210. Shadow Knight. x4, Shadow Ally - Undead, 5, 5 / 4 ... Aldmor. x4, Shadow Ally ...

2017/8/16 -The Conduit was not the only weapon the Aldmor had left behind for him to acquire. Slowly Arthyle's decrepit lips curled into a cruel smile ...

Ter Adun – Hero Breakdown

  1. https://shadowerablog.wordpress.com
  2. 2013/07/20
  3. ter-...
  1. https://shadowerablog.wordpress.com
  2. 2013/07/20
  3. ter-...

2013/7/20 -her discard can be problematic, so hold onto your Bad Santas and/or ensure you have an Aldmor Conduit. The last thing you want is to be top ...

Shadow Era - Facebook

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  4. Shadow Era
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  4. Shadow Era

Shadow Era. 7242 likes · 44 talking about this. The official page for Shadow Era, the free to play trading card game for iOS, Android, PC & Mac.

攻撃力は頼りないかもしれないが、Hero能力に限らずSEを使った能力すべてに対して耐性を持つ。 LoganやBorisの能力で倒せず、Nishavenなどの能力でもダメージを与えられ ...

Aldmor Conduit, ニュートラル, アイテム, アーティファクト, 3, どのプレイヤーも以下のアビリティを自分のターンに使用してもよい。1SE: カードを1枚引く。 ex126, C ...

Name: Curse of the Aldmor. Cost: 2. Type: Neutral Ability - Attachment. Ability: Attach to target ally. That ally has Sustain 1SE. Flavor Text: Unknown.

