
2016/6/13 -装填中の無防備な状態を短縮する。 弾切れ時からの反撃速度が向上。 欠点 Edit · 武器によっては、影響が微量なものがある ...

2018/3/21 -弾数制限がないスキルなので効果時間中であればリロードと残弾が許す限り連射できる。 ... 攻撃力と効果時間の強化を加味してのバランス調整と思われる。

2024/2/6 -Alternox which is "mastery fodder" for most people but I just love the soundscape of the weapon and the reload animation is pretty unique :D.

... reload · Size: Size medium. Upgrade Slots ? Ship Ability. Fire Convergence: While a friendly ship performs a non- Icon arc single turret attack, if the defender ...

2014/7/26 -これは日本オリジナルの路線を強化していくという意思の表れです。これからお話しするRPG要素の追加も日本版だけで、現状の韓国版『HOUNDS RELOAD』とは ...

Companion Precept Mods apply Status Effects from Companion weapons. Killing enemies with ? or more unique Status Effects reduces Companion Ability cooldowns by ...

Hound ELINT is a mission script for DCS. it uses one or more assigned ELINT platforms to approximates location of transmitting enemy radars using ...

2024/2/16 -Theurgy is a new mechanic which are unique moves that can either damage enemies or boost your party's stats.

2013/11/16 -The camera sweeps, when spotting you, it gives an unique ... Regardless of this, I still suggest you to reload every single time you get a red ...

It does not kill enemies quickly but the amazing ammo capacity ensures that the user will basically never have to reload between fights. Like other Elementals, ...