
2014/2/15 -1 Answer 1 ... Your input is simply not an h264 stream, yet you are telling ffmpeg it is one. You need to tell ffmpeg what it actually is: a v4l2 ...

2023/12/28 -For general issues with the camera not being detected or failing to analyze, the solution is usually to lower the camera GOP/I-Frame interval.

2020/4/4 -I try to use ffmpeg to feed ffserver on CENTOS 6.10. When I run ffmpeg on stream I got an error message: Could not find codec parameters for ...

2021/6/12 -I'm trying to download the "Essence of calculus" playlist from 3Blue1Brown, and I get this error. I have also tried to download the specific ...

2021/10/6 -I just set up Tdarr to go through my library and do some transcoding work to save some space and just make my life easier.

hello again, i reconfigured a new VM with openmeetings 1.1 and now it seems that the ffmpeg executable is visible in the PATH. unfortunately someting

I'm running FFmpeg 2.3.1 from the Arch Linux repository. There is an MP3 file that I am unable to play with mplayer, mpv, or ffplay and unable to convert or ...

I am trying to convert a ts stream produced by my TV tuner into an MP4 file: ffmpeg -i sample-video.ts sample-video.mp4. It is reporting "PES packet size ...

2021/6/24 -You are trying to include a codec (dvvideo) into a container (mp4), which doesn't support it (at least in ffmpeg).

ffmpeg: Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: h264) unspecified size Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: ...

YouTube-Roel Van de Paar

A.エラーを読むのですよ。読むために書いているのだから。 > At least one output file must be specified 出力のファイル名がないと言われている。あなた


A.ptbhctzdkgさんへ 3G2の動画の動画、音声コーデックは何でしょう? mp4で使われる音声コーデックでないAMRやQCPだと 変換せざるを得ないと思います。
