2021/9/14 -What does the error mean? Most importantly, the message means that the program is ill-formed. A conversion from the type char * into the ...

2016/10/14 -I am getting this error: cast from 'uint8_t* {aka unsigned char*}' to 'char' loses precision [-fpermissive]. The websocket-function provides ...

2016/8/2 -error: cast from 'char*' to 'int' loses precision [-fpermissive] on line 1178 of CzString.cpp. The text was updated successfully, ...

2013/10/10 -... aka const short unsigned int*}' to 'WORD {aka short unsigned int}' loses precision [-fpermissive] Source/ResourceEditor.h: In member ...

2019/11/25 -1 Answer 1 ... By adding strings together you are actually adding together the addresses in memory where those strings are. Instead you need to ...

2019/2/7 -' to 'long int' loses precision [-fpermissive] ... char*' to 'long int' loses precision ... aka 'const unsigned char*'} to 'long int' loses ...

2012/10/12 -error: cast from 'LPSTR {aka char*}' to 'WORD {aka short unsigned int}' loses precision [-fpermissive] ... WORD 型 (内部的には短精度整数型) に ...

2014/2/8 -cpp:11: error: cast from 'char*' to 'unsigned int' loses precision. 原因:64bit環境のアドレスを32bitにキャストしている対策:64bitでキャストする.

2013/8/16 -cpp:42:1 : error: cast from 'LPSTR {aka char*}' to 'WORD {aka short unsigned int}' loses precision [-fpermissive] hinagata.cpp:45:1 : error ...

2016/8/27 -And there is the following error in the 2nd line [Error] cast from 'float*' to 'unsigned int' loses precision [-fpermissive]

A.環境の違いを乗り越えたいのならVC++を研究用として導入すべきだと思います。 LPSTRやWORDやら、どう定義されているか調べられないじゃないですか。 やりたい事をやり通すためには、人一倍の苦...


A.win32APIは自分では叩かないのでよくは知らないけれど、 > 下記ソースコードのNULLを指していました。 外れ。 IDI_APPLICATIONの定義が #define IDI_...
