

2018/12/28 -The issue is, when I toggle to FP view I'm setting 3rd person skeletal mesh to “hidden in game”. After couple of frames FP arms animation stops.

UDynamicMeshComponent is a mesh component similar to UProceduralMeshComponent, except it bases the renderable geometry off an internal UDynamicMesh instance.

2023/5/25 -Scrape each Actor for its location, and use BATCH UPDATES to an ISM/HISM each frame to update even your moving static meshes as a single ISM.

This flag is only used if CastShadow is true. cast_inset_shadow (bool): [Read-Write] Whether this component should create a per-object shadow that gives higher ...

Today we have a look at the Material usage flags and what they do, so we can optimise our materials by making sure we're not using too many ...


Enable Update When Offscreen, so that Unity continues to calculate the mesh bounds at all times, even when the mesh is not visible. Use this option if ...

2022/4/19 -Static mesh component is the actual figure of a thing. It also cannot be animated. Skeletal Mesh Components can be animated.

The upcoming 4.3 release includes a number of quality of life improvements for Blueprints, some awesome rendering features, a big Automation push, Splines for ...

2022/12/19 -Try checking the Output Log, you will likely see that there are warning messages about the “Allow CPU Access” flag on the Static Mesh Asset. You ...

... flag mesh 2. Transformation so the flag can be rotated 3. Recalculating the normals for better lighting Here are the additional resources I ...

YouTube-Ben Cloward