
2010/5/27 -I.e., if you insert it into an email, you'll need to set appropriate email headers informing clients that this email contains text in SHIFT_JIS.

Converts string from from_encoding, or the current internal encoding, to to_encoding. If string is an array, all its string values will be converted ...

Added Shift_JIS/UTF-8 Emoji (pictograms) support. Added JIS X0213:2004 ... Fixed bug #51615 (PHP crash with wrong HTML in SimpleXML). (Felipe); Fixed ...

The htmlentities() function converts characters to HTML entities. Tip: To convert HTML entities back to characters, use the html_entity_decode() function.

2014/10/7 -I'm running on Ubuntu 14.04. The log ~/.phpbrew/build/php-5.3.29/build.log is empty. Which console log are you referring to? Do you just want the entire output ...

Definition and Usage. The htmlspecialchars() function converts some predefined characters to HTML entities. The predefined characters are:.

2008/3/1 -PHPのSimpleXMLShift_JISに対応していないので、simplexml_load_string()やsimplexml_load_file()の前にSimpleXML内の文字コードであるUTF-8に変換 ...

2020/2/10 -It seems that the issue is about OpenSSL version and the possible solution is available now. All reactions.

“The SimpleXML function lets you convert XML to an object… This object can be processed, like any other object, with normal property selectors ...

2009/3/2 -シフトJISでマルチバイトなタグで構成されたXMLファイルがsimplexmlで扱えるのか試してみた。結果からいうと「すごい!」「使える!」。 http://php ...