

Alma is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Gamov) of Ninja Gaiden. She is one of the Five Greater Fiends of the Holy Vigoorian Empire, ...

Alma is one of the Greater Fiends of Vigoor and one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Gamov) of Ninja Gaiden. Alma was once Rachel's younger ...

2022/6/3 -For Awakened Alma just gleaming blade her as she's landing on the ground. She either takes the hit or backs off. If you jinx the timing, she'll ...

Light attack randomly didn't work so of course I missed a lot of damage and ended up eating an instant grab instead.


アクションゲームに慣れていない私が攻略していきます!私でもクリアできたので皆さんもクリアできるはずです!拙い動画ですが、何か一つでも参考になれ ...


The worst boss in the game. Hitting her is just random luck and even if do knock her down you only get a short opening.


A.20回以上見たと思うけど「ぜっくう」だけ。 「神威空蝉斬」見た事無いしw 熱いというか、プレミアなのでは? だから、アルマ、全く勝ったことないっす(((;゜Д゜))) >よかったらレアな体験

2008/2/6 -You have to hit her as she attacks; otherwise she'll do her most broken move: the twirl dodge. She can dodge out of anything if she's not ...

Got this while testing out some new ideas for getting higher damage off knockdowns. You really want to aim for her lower body with the legs, ...


2021/6/11 -Also, if you press A + X / Cross + Square, you'll automatically jump towards the nearest enemy -- Alma, in our case. That way you can land ...

She is the sister of Rachel, the fiend-hunter who helps out Ryu. Her blood was among those capable of becoming a fiend, but her ability to retain her soul after ...