
Chromium can be customized to perform certain behaviors during its first run. The key to it is a special file named master_preferences that must exist before ...

2022/8/14 -I see a setting in the Intune configuration labeled as "Enable showing full-tab promotional content." I'll try setting it as disabled and see ...

2024/1/28 -Go to play store and search for chrome. Then uninstall the latest update. Then it will work.

I am using this for my Master Prefersnces and it is supressing the First Run UI but I am having problem with suppressing the prompt to install the Google ...

2023/7/10 -In Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, these pages ... Both Chrome and Firefox, as well as Edge ... Hide the First-run experience and splash screen.

2023/3/14 -Hello, Im trying to search the solution for chrome welcome page on first app run. Is there any chance to skip "Welcome to Chrome" page at ...

2015/3/30 -Basically you just import the ADM or ADMX into Group Policy, then create a GPO for whatever settings you want to configure for Chrome. 1 ...

Disables Google Chrome's First Run Experience. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Chrome Enterprise policies for businesses and organizations to manage Chrome Browser and ChromeOS.

I've attempted to add flags to skip it with adb shell --no-first-run and --disable-fre but neither of the flags actually got set. My env is OS X running ...