Supporting array object. The array object supports a number of operators and has several class methods to facilitate the manipulation of strings. The array ...

The array type is a template object that allow the scripts to declare arrays of any type. Since it is a generic class it is not the most performatic due to the ...

2009/10/17 -... AngelScriptでは、配列を定義する場合、. int[] a;. という具合に、型名+"[]"と記述して、「~型の配列型」という感じで定義します。 上記のように ...

2018/4/3 -I am not sure want you want to do but accessing array can be done using arr_name[index]. While index begin in 0. For example:

It is also possible to declare array variables by appending the [] brackets to the type. When declaring a variable with a type modifier, the type modifier ...

2010/2/21 -angelscript内部で配列を使用するにはRegisterGlobalPropertyでそれぞれの型の配列を使うということを示す必要がある。スクリプト単体での配列の使用 ...

2010/3/24 -文字列 Edit. ASでの文字列は8bitもしくは16bitのデータの配列として扱われます。 ASではC++と同等のエスケープシーケンス文字が用意されています ...

It is however possible to override AngelScript's built-in array objects with application specified objects, on a per array type basis. Object handles. The ...

2021/2/11 -So I need some way to call a handler function with an array<any> where I store the arguments so in the script the values can be retrieved. How ...

void Main() { int[] arr; // Same as array<int> arr; arr.InsertLast(1); arr.InsertLast(2); arr.InsertLast(3); for (uint i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { print ...