
2011/2/25 -I am using simpleXML in PHP to fetch xml file. The thing is that xml file's encoding is not in utf-8. It is in euc-kr.

Returns an object of class SimpleXMLElement with properties containing the data held within the xml document, or false on failure.

The simplexml_load_string() function converts a well-formed XML string into an object. Syntax: simplexml_load_string(data, class, options, ns, is_prefix)

The htmlspecialchars() function converts some predefined characters to HTML entities. The predefined characters are:

2012/3/11 -PHP XML 읽기/파싱 simplexml_load_string · 1. 순수XML파일 읽기 · 2. PHP 파일에서 처리에 의해 출력되는 XML파일 읽기 ...

PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.

2023/3/28 -The mb_detect_order() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is utilized to set or get the character encoding detection order.

2014/11/11 -xmlの構文解析で使用するEntity的な物である。 XML文章を変換し最終的にSimpleXMLElementにパースされる。 詳しくはPHPのリファレンスを参照.

2008/3/1 -PHPSimpleXMLはShift_JISに対応していないので、simplexml_load_string()やsimplexml_load_file()の前にSimpleXML内の文字コードであるUTF-8に変換 ...

SimpleXML: Refactored the fix for bug #66084 (simplexml_load_string() mangles empty node name). SPL: Fixed bug #69737 (Segfault when SplMinHeap::compare ...