
It is intended to control the family-wise error rate (FWER) and offers a simple test uniformly more powerful than the Bonferroni correction. It is named after ...

Designed for multiple hypothesis testing, the Holm's method iteratively accepts and rejects hypotheses. The Holm's method is a close relative to the ...

The Holm-Bonferroni Method (also called Holm's Sequential Bonferroni Procedure) is a way to deal with familywise error rates (FWER) for multiple hypothesis ...

Researchers may have neglected Holm's procedure because it has been framed in terms of hypothesis test rejection rather than in terms of P values. An adjustment ...

The Holm-Šídák test in Prism ... This makes sense when you are comparing selected pairs of means, with the selection based on experimental design. Prism also lets ...

ABSTRACT. This paper presents a simple and widely ap- plicable multiple test procedure of the sequentially rejective type, i.e. hypotheses are rejected one ...

2018/7/20 -The main goal is to assess the existence of significant differences between Crohn's Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC). The Sequentially ...

ABSTRACT. This paper presents a simple and widely ap- plicable multiple test procedure of the sequentially rejective type, i.e. hypotheses are rejected one ...

A sharper Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of significance. Biometrika, 75, 800–803. Holm, S. (1979). A simple sequentially rejective multiple test proce ...

Statistical Learning, featuring Deep Learning, Survival Analysis and Multiple Testing ... Statistical Learning: 13.4 Holm's Method for Controlling ...

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A.>正規分布・不等分散 と判断されていれば,Welch検定の対象なので,pairwise.t.test も使えます。 この関数で,オプション pool.sd を F とすれば,Welch検定の多重


A.<VC0179はDi-Nucleotide Cyclase新規ファミリーの最初の(初めて同定された)メンバーである> VSP-1にコードされる VC0179 の破壊により、腸内生着が顕著に失われる(
