
Provides a class to deal with the decoding and interpreting of mime messages. This package used to be part of the Mail_Mime package, but has been split off.

The Mail_mimeDecode class provides an API to decode mail/MIME messages. This class will parse a raw mime email and return the structure.

NOTE This library is quite old and was being used by our software. We are no longer using it, and thus, no longer maintaining this repository.

Contribute to pear/Mail_mimeDecode development by creating an account on GitHub.

2015/4/15 -I just wanted to install this class from Pear: http://pear.php.net/package/Mail_mimeDecode/ After this command: sudo pear install Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.5

2015/2/24 -First install the pear package, then follow it up with Mail and Mail_mime as: dnf install php-pear-Mail pear install Mail Mail_Mime This should work for ...

2022/2/10 -Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function create_function() in /usr/share/php/Mail/mimeDecode.php:837

FreeBSD aarch64 Official. php82-pear-Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.6_1.pkg, Provides a class to decode mime messages. FreeBSD amd64 Official.

Mail_mimeDecodeクラスはMIMEデータのデコードの為の APIを提供します。 Table of Contents. Mail_mimeDecode::Mail_mimeDecode() — コンストラクタ; Mail_mimeDecode:: ...

2009/11/6 -メールを解析する時に使うと便利なのがPEARライブラリのMail_mimeDecodeです。 基本的な使い方を勉強しました。 標準入力から取得したメールデータ ...