
2019/1/12 -AcidRip is an automated front end for MPlayer/Mencoder written in Perl, using Gtk2::Perl for a graphical interface. Makes encoding a DVD ...

A DVD ripper and encoder, with a simple interface, based on MPlayer and MEncoder. Also provides advanced features and automates the process in a number of ...

2022/9/9 -The best AcidRip alternatives are VidCoder, Thoggen and Roadmovie. There are three alternatives to AcidRip on AlternativeTo.

2024/4/7 -1. AcidRIP – Ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder · 2. DVD::RIP – Front end for transcode and ffmpeg · 3. HandBrake – ...

2009/4/9 -But AcidRip works as a two-click ripper if you want it to. Load a DVD in your drive, start AcidRip, hit the "Load" button in the upper-right ...

2021/5/28 -If anyone can give me a simple solution, and especially explain the settings of Acid Rip, which seems a good solution to me, I would be ...

2019/8/1 -i Went around and googled for some time i found the solution on how to rip copy protected dvds in linux xubuntu or acidrip/handbrake.

2016/12/21 -I had used AcidRip when using Linux, but ... So, how 'bout it...anyone using a good DVD ripper that's uncomplicated to use and does a good job?

2011/11/5 -DVDリッピングにはacidripを使っている。 このソフトは説明を見てわかるように、MPlayerとMEncoderをベースにしてGUIを実装したものだ。