
2020/2/25 -The following solutions assume that the machine you are using currently has NDK installed and was previously able to build your project but ...

Select the NDK package for your development platform. For information about the changes in the latest version of the NDK and earlier revisions, see NDK ...

2024/1/3 -This page provides information on changes in all released stable versions of the NDK. To download the latest stable version of the NDK or ...

2023/9/18 -Note: these obsolete versions of the NDK are no longer supported. Use a current release instead. r25c. android { ndkVersion "25.2.9519653" } ...

2017/6/26 -FWIW, GCC 4.9 is fully present in NDK r15. It is not going to receive updates, but it is in no sense works than the version included with r10.

2014/11/10 -I am trying to compile a 64-bit Neon code using android ndk-r10c in eclipse. ... In practice it is safe to force your module to build a version ...

2017/8/29 -Luckily the game engine I was interested in managed to integrate itself to both android studio and ndk, their latest version. Now google play ...

2023/1/8 -I created a new flutter (version 3.3.9) project and received this error (“one or more plugins require a higher Android NDK version”) as ...

NDK r10c dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "atof" referenced ... a different error (not "atof") it's reported against NDK r10b. ... My ndk version is the latest : ...

vs-android is intended to provide a collection of scripts and utilities to support integrated development of Android NDK C/C++ software under Microsoft Visual ...