
pg_table_is_visible() is a system function for determining whether a relation (table, view or materialized view) is visible in the current schema search path.

Each function performs the visibility check for one type of database object. Note that pg_table_is_visible can also be used with views, materialized views, ...

2021/1/26 -Hi there, coming from #10950, this is a repro which can be used to follow up that introspecting the list of tables using psql doesn't work.

2018/1/18 -?**' --AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) );. and this returns 0 with a schema or database. I'm not sure what to put there ...

2013/6/18 -Safely remove the join on pg_roles . If you want to see all tables, rather than only those your user sees, also remove the pg_table_is_visible() ...

2017/7/13 -LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace. WHERE c.relname ~ '^(dummy)$'. AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid). ORDER ...

The boolean option determines whether or not implicitly included system schemas such as pg_catalog are included in the search path returned. The search path may ...

2023/2/21 -We can see the owner of objects in the database using the psql interactive terminal or querying the pg_catalog tables that correspond to the ...

2016/11/8 -Hello! The impetus for the investigation that led to issue #101 is a class of errors that we've been seeing that seem to be due to ...

2023/12/22 -Table name. Description. hologres.hg_table_properties. Contains information about all tables in the current database and the properties of ...