
実験時間は 50 分程度であった。 オペレーションスパンテスト(OSPAN). Unsworth et al. (2005)の開発した OSPAN の計算問. 題と繰り返し回数(スパン)を変更し実施された。

2014/4/15 -The Operation Span Test (OSPAN) is widely used to assess working memory capacity. However, this instrument has been rarely used to test ...

The Operation Span Test (OSPAN) is widely used to assess working memory capacity. However, this instrument has been rarely used to test Japanese participants ...

Operation Span Task by Millisecond. Free with an Inquisit license for online or in-person psychological research.

The Operation Span task (Blair & Willoughby, 2006) was used to assess children's working memory. This game requires children to remember a series of animals ...

ンプルを得て,このテストで測定されるワーキングメモリ容量の分布を確認した。その結果,わ. れわれが開発したオペレーションスパンテストは信頼性と妥当性を備え ...

実験時間は 50 分程度であった。 オペレーションスパンテスト(OSPAN). Unsworth et al. (2005)の開発した OSPAN の計算問. 題と繰り返し回数(スパン)を変更し実施された。

2022/12/7 -Complex working memory span test, in which participants are asked to memorize and recall sequences of 3 to 7 letters while solving simple mathematical ...

The Operation Span Test (OSPAN) is widely used to assess working memory capacity. However, this instrument was rarely used to test Japanese participants because ...

Operation span test. This is a verbal-numeric WM processing task. Methods from this task resemble those described in Oswald et al (2014; https://link ...