

2020/8/19 -The functions in this section are used for managing Bluetooth devices and services. Bluetooth is also supported by using the Windows Sockets programming ...

2023/11/9 -The Bluetooth application programming interface enables developers to use existing network programming knowledge to quickly develop or port ...


This section describes how to use Windows Sockets functions and structures to program a Bluetooth application.

2020/4/27 -It can be done easily via Windows Runtime API Windows.Devices.Radios. The RadioState enum can be set to On, Off or Disabled.

Windows Bluetooth API: New Bluetooth features in Windows 10, Creators Update (aka GATT Server and friends), PC, What's new, Microsoft Store, Education

2024/6/25 -The Web Bluetooth API is a JavaScript interface that allows web apps to access and communicate with Bluetooth devices.

2024/7/26 -The Web Bluetooth API provides the ability to connect and interact with Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals.

2023/3/26 -I'm currently working on a project that involves me creating a hardware device that communicates to my PC over Bluetooth Low Energy.

2021/12/18 -It seems ONLY paired devices are accepted for "DiscoverServices()". This makes (especially for BLE) no sense.

2021/10/13 -I'm trying to find how to discover what ports and services are available for the devices rather than just connecting to a hardcoded one.