
Viral melee weapons + Manifold Bond + Repo Audit or Synergized Prospectus = spamming Viral, IPS, Electricity or Magnetic procs Repo Audit: ...


2022/2/10 -The lava hounds and lava pups are weaker than the original ones, so it's not as OP as it seems.

The Hounds truly went from ZERO to HERO recently and they are just ... Hounds so good right now? 3:59 Hound Build 7:24 Thoughts & Gameplay ...


2020/10/18 -OP Hellhounds with metal heads. Could it be that these dogs are a little bit op? I just died a couple of times thru masses of dogs including ...

Blasting our way through Curse 7 with this OP Hound Master Build Hey Survivors, Hound Master is one of the characters that has been with us ...

YouTube-Broken's Playz

Hellhounds are essentially zombie-dogs that are a mutated version of Samantha's pet, Fluffy. Fluffy was put in the Der Riese mainframe teleporter and turned ...

Tacoma Co-op's Crest

  1. https://tacomahounds.com
  2. About the Co-op
  1. https://tacomahounds.com
  2. About the Co-op

The Co-op's crest features a rampant Cerberus in the club's primary oxblood color over a silver field. The three heads symbolize the past, present, and future.

2022/12/15 -Delayed postoperative hemorrhage (DEPOH), a potentially deadly disorder that causes excessive bleeding and bruising in the hours and days ...

A quick game with the hunter where i cover some of the great combinations you can do with unleash the hounds. join the beta: ...


2014/4/9 -As for what not to use.. Old Bell is useless against hound mounds. It doesn't break them and the killed hounds respawn. I almost died to get a ...

A.こればっかりはどこまで課金出来るか、どこまで熱を入れるか、どこで妥協するか、その武器を一生愛せるかでしょうね。 coop専用ハイエンドの良い所はcoop専用にしていないレジェンドの性能を超えて...
