
The storage-specific argument for the Auth constructor() is an array of options. ... "cryptType", string, "md5 ... See PEAR::MDB2 for more information. "db_where ...

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Manual :: A usage example

  1. https://pear.php.net
  2. package.authentication.auth.intro.php
  1. https://pear.php.net
  2. package.authentication.auth.intro.php

When hashing the passwords with the MD5 algorithm, which is the default encryption method in PEAR::Auth, the password column must be at least 32 characters long ...

Contribute to pear/Auth development by creating an account on GitHub ... PEAR::Auth class provides methods for creating an * authentication system using PHP.

I am writing a PHP LDAP authentication program for a class assignment using PEAR. The test LDAP server that we have implemented needs to recive the password ...

2009/11/16 -There's an auth PEAR module that seems to be designed around authentication issues, which would lead me to believe maybe I should be using ...

2019/9/14 -Hi, I have problems (re-)activating IMAP Authentication after upgrading to nextcloud 16 ... IMAP Authentication v0. ... MD5 authentication”. But ...

It is considered a more secure method of SMTP authentication than PLAIN or LOGIN, while still vulnerable to MitM attacks without TLS/SSL. Note: The DIGEST-MD5 ...

2023/10/6 -To set outgoing email to use CRAM-MD5 auth, you'd set this in the phpmailer config: $mail->AuthType = 'CRAM-MD5';. @zoeliakieaustausch Is it ...

... cryptType'=>"md5", // パスワードの暗号化形式); $objAuth = new Auth("DB", $params); // ユーザーの追加if($objAuth->addUser('user','pass')) { echo "ユーザーを ...

A.MySQL のtable "auth_table"のPasswordを格納しているフィールド"password",に32文字取られているようですが、パスワード
