
2016/5/5 -このページでは、Fedoraの様々なリリースでのリポジトリの内容について説明します。また、リポジトリどうしの関係や、そのリポジトリに入ってる ...

リポジトリ fedora-updates-testing リポジトリ

Fedora Repositories

  1. https://docs.fedoraproject.org
  2. en-US
  3. fedora-repositories
  1. https://docs.fedoraproject.org
  2. en-US
  3. fedora-repositories

The fedora repository. The fedora repository exists for all Fedora releases after they have Branched from Rawhide. It is represented for DNF in the fedora.

The fedora repository in...-The updates-testing repository

2023/3/30 -Fedora is the flexible, modular, open source repository platform with native linked data support. · Learn More About Fedora · Getting Started.


2023/1/5 -This section describes how to add software repositories with the dnf config-manager command. To add a new repository, do the following as root .

Fedora is a robust, modular, open source repository system for the management and dissemination of digital content. It is especially suited for digital ...

Each [nombre] section defines a yum repository, then within each repository definition you can overwrite the general behavior of yum with global scope policy ...

A Fedora repository provides access to the data objects by leveraging tools and services that are described by the behavior objects. The behavior objects store ...

Here are 43 public repositories matching this topic... · mlibrary / heliotrope · Islandora-Labs / islandora_vagrant · ganto / copr-lxc4 · luminoso / fedora-copr ...

At its core, Fedora is a modular, extensible repository architecture that can store, manage, and deliver any type of digital information. Fedora makes no ...

Fedora is a digital asset management (DAM) content repository architecture upon which institutional repositories, digital archives, and digital library ...

A.Fuduntu14のリポジトリ見てみたけど、すでにFedora14の使ってました。 ということで、RPMfusionのも使っていいかと思われます。 http://rpmfusion.org/


A.放っておいても、警告が出るぐらいで、実用には問題ありません。 でも、綺麗にしたいなら消しても良いです。 それほど、気にしなくて大丈夫です。


A.Archiveから取って来る。 http://archive.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/core/ http://archive.f...
