

2015/3/14 -I need to read each line in memo1.lines and perform a specific action on it. I tried this: procedure ...

2021/5/25 -TRichMemo - Like Delphi TRichEdit component: formatted text (color, size, etc.) TListBox - A scrollable list of strings. LCL Components ...

This simple example shows how to load a file using FMX.Memo.TMemo.Lines, how to access the ninth line, and how to retrieve the number of lines in the memo ...

2020/4/2 -Delphi: TEdit Go to end · Delphi: TSynEdit Go to end. Go to beginning / Go to top. 1. 2. RichEdit1 . SelStart := 0 ;.

Description. Provides access to the individual lines in the memo text. FMX.Memo.TMemo.Lines inherits from FMX.

I've got a visible TMemo on a form. I want to save the TMemo to an offscreen TMemo so I write. Memo2.Assign(Memo1);. When this line executes I get the error ...

2016/5/9 -I want to load a text file into Memo1. The method I am using comes from a Wikipedia tutorial (bad idea?): -----------------------------

2020/3/29 -I chose it as a starting piece to learn Delphi object programming. I have a simple text file with two lines of text and a third line that is ...

Hello, When I add line(s) to a TMemo, the cursor is set to the bottom. So how can I set the view to the first line ? Thanks! David ^_^.

Memo.lines.add Memo.text Delphi IT PAT Information technology Delphi programming Delphi Coding Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Practical ...

YouTube-Delphi for Schools

A.form2のmemo1で入力した値をform3のmemo1に単に移すだけなら簡単です。 転送用のボタンがあるなら次の通り。 Uses で Form3 を設定します。 // OnClick

A.Memo1.Lines.Assign(Memo2.Lines); とします。 Lines.Addメソッドの引数の型をよく見てください。 これに対して、Memo2.Linesの持つ型を見てください。

A.Delphi 2006でTFormのOnResizeイベントでやってみましたが、 とくにそれらしき現象は再現しませんでした。 問題はこの処理自体ではなく、他との兼ね合いの可能性も考えられます。