

wxLocale class encapsulates all language-dependent settings and is a generalization of the C locale concept. In wxWidgets this class manages current locale.

2013/1/3 -I try to create a simple multilingual program using wxLocale, but I can't even get it fail --- looks like any attempts to load language always returns OK, but ...

This class allows getting translations for strings. In wxWidgets this class manages message catalogs which contain the translations of the strings used to ...

2021/12/3 -You probably called setlocale() directly instead of using wxLocale and now there is a mismatch between C/C++ and Windows locale.

I'm coding a program that contains localised strings (I'm using wxLocale), but that also writes configuration files on the disk.

The issue only happens when Windows Region language is set to a language that doesn't exit in wxWidgets.

In wxWidgets this class manages message catalogs which contain the translations of the strings used to the current language. Unlike wxLocale, it isn't bound to ...

I'm using a locale (by setting wxLocale) where the decimal separator is a comma (e.g. Spanish). Afterwards, I'm calling setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C") in order ...

Localization of wxWidgets Application with poEdit. This tutorial shows how to: Create simple wxWidgets application Extract string constants from source code ...

Here is my question. Is there a function for converting double to wxString using the "C" locale instead of the application-wide locale (just as ToCDouble does ...