

Executes a system command. When the os attribute is specified, then the command is only executed when Apache Ant is run on one of the specified operating ...

2013/4/8 -Let's say you want to execute target foo . (The target the user wants to really execute), and before foo is called, you want to do your backup, ...

A target is a container of tasks and datatypes that cooperate to reach a desired state during the build process. Targets can depend on other targets and Apache ...

2015/8/18 -An Ant target is a sequence of tasks to be executed to perform a part (or whole) of the build process. Ant targets are defined by the user of Ant.

A target can depend on the other target and dependent target must execute before the current target. For example we might have a target for compiling and other ...

To execute the tasks in the default target, compile , type the following command from the directory containing our sample build.xml file: ant.

This is a file that has some tasks to run with Apache Ant. These tasks are commonly: Running the default task from the file build.xml.

If you don't want to allow a target to be run from the command line, you can start the target name with a hyphen (e.g., -clean ). This will make Ant think the ...

2016/7/22 -Your observation is correct. Ant “tries” to execute targets in the specified order. Gradle has no such guarantee. If you require these targets ...

The target depends attribute specifies targets that should be achieved prior to executing the current target. Ant will attempt to execute depends targets ...