
While Table Objects represent and provide access to a collection of objects, entities represent individual rows or domain objects in your application. Entities ...

Class Entity. An entity represents a single result row from a repository. It exposes the methods for retrieving and storing properties associated in this row.

2020/7/22 -CakePHP 4.1 User entity as authorization identity associated fields ... CakePHP: How do I load associated data from inside an entity class?

2022/5/10 -The error PHPStan give is phpstan: Cannot access property $id on array|Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface|null. This gets especially aggravating ...

In CakePHP, tables represent database tables, while entity objects are individual rows. Purpose. A table class serves as a gateway for interacting with database ...

Here we learn how we can add entities to our database, and a little more about all the Cake-magic that surrounds it.

YouTube-Coffee Coding

2020/2/5 -I'm creating an import entity plugin where I want to fetch which fields are accessible in an entity, but it seems like there is no such method ...

2016/6/12 -In my views I'm usually executing code depending on if a variable is empty or not. For example, I'll fetch all the images in a gallery and ...

2015/9/28 -I want to retrieve 4 type of item entities from one ItemsTable. ItemsTable returns a collection that contains several subclass of Item entity.

2019/2/5 -How do they work? ... This will be available as $entity->full_name property based on the first and last name. So the rule is _get prefix + ...