

2024/4/17 -AAsset provides access to a read-only asset. AAsset objects are NOT thread-safe, and should not be shared across threads.

2012/11/9 -If you use AASSET_MODE_BUFFER , getBuffer() will be better than any chunks, because under the hood, the platform loads everything in one shot.

I am trying to access a text file under my $projectPath/assets directory through the native interface without touching Java code.

Get the file descriptor with the Java APIs on Resources of AssetManager and hand that to your native code.

2019/1/2 -See here for a more extensive usage, which uses list_assets to recursively copy the assets folder to the filesystem.

Use the steps in this guide to access your app's asset packs from your C and C++ code. Sample integration code is available on GitHub.

A.アメーバヘルプ「アメブロの禁止タグについて教えてください。」・・ http://helps.ameba.jp/faq/blog/article/post_107.html

2018/11/4 -I don't know how to get the path to assets folder. Is there any API to get path to apk directory so that I can use that to get textures? Thanks.

NDK Group CSR Guideline 1.Legal Compliance and Fair Trade 2.Respect for and Protection of Human Rights 3.Health and Safety 4.Environmental Protection

2018/5/28 -Modify our android example app to load in a file from the asset manager by: Adding a small text file to the assets folder (eg.

NDK Group will ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our information assets by protecting them from all threats through organizational ...