
Nocturne.png ノクターン† · 攻撃ダメージ増加(+10%) · 雷属性増加(+5) · 移動速度(+5) · すべてのスキルに追加効果[感電]を付与:物理攻撃の攻撃力低下(-20%)、最小命中率 ...

2021/7/9 -STAB,HACKに依存しない物理ダメージを与える。スキルレベルによりダメージ増加。 · 射程:22. Lv, ダメージ, 命中, Cri値, 消費, 習得条件, ディレイ. 攻撃 ...

ムツィオ・クレメンティの弟子でアイルランド出身のピアニスト兼作曲家ジョン・フィールドが創始した名称。英語でノクターンnocturne)、フランス語でノクチュルヌ( ...

A nocturne is a musical composition that is inspired by, or evocative of, the night. Frédéric Chopin's Nocturne in G Minor, Op. 15, No. 3. The marking "languido ...

Nocturne is a mature, episodic horror/thriller show about what lurks in the darkest places. It was created, written, and GM'd Pumpkinberry. It aired live on ...

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne is the fifth installment in the Shin Megami Tensei series, released for the PlayStation 2. It was the first true addition ...

2023/6/5 -The name is referring to the classic fairy tale character, the youngest son who sets out to seek his fortune and things work out for him without ...

2024/5/25 -Nocturne. Release dates. Windows, October 31, 1999. Taxonomy. Series, Nocturne · Nocturne on MobyGames · Nocturne on Wikipedia · Nocturne.

2023/7/5 -1 NPCs involved in Episode 1 - Merlin · 2 Tale of Heroism · 3 Bad Timing · 4 Hide-And-Seek · 5 Emergency One-Day Volunteer Group · 6 Emain Macha ...

2024/6/4 -2019: A Fairy Tale / Charme!, Harvey Rockwood 2019: Boys Over Flowers (Akasaka ACT), Doumyouji Tsukasa (lead role) 2019: Casanova, Antonio ...