Bikes is a magazine in Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. When carried in the player's inventory, bikes have three times the durability.

The dirtbike is a vehicle in Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. It is one of the fastest vehicles in the game and is valuable in helping the ...

2023/3/3 -チャック・グリーンの生活の糧であり、特技。 PLATINUM STRIP~SILVER STRIPの間を高速で移動でき、CASE2-2発生後は地下道でも使え、CASE6-1発生後は両方 ...

2010/9/26 -Go to the stage thats on the right just down from the truck. If you climb up the left side (jump up the speakers and along the metal frame) ...

Need some help in getting out of Still Creek? Look no further. Hope this helps! #DeadRising2 #ChuckGreene #Capcom.

YouTube-Jim's Gaming Cave

2010/9/29 -after doing something you open up a trailer that allows you to combine items with the is the list of all combinable things

2022/8/8 -長押し攻撃で突進ができ、素早く攻撃しながら移動できる。ただし耐久性は低いほうなのであまり長持ちしない。 アリーナにあるTIRムースヘッドも同じ。

How to unlock the Custom Finish achievement in Dead Rising 2 (Xbox 360): Give your bike a custom paint job. This achievement is worth 20 Gamerscore.

A.SLOTRANCHCASINO(スロットランチカジノ)の金庫にありますよ。 すいません!「2」かと思っていました! 「オフザレコード」はwikiを見てみると CASE7-2(軍曹と戦う時)か...
