
A Powerful, Flexible, and Intuitive Framework for Neural Networks. Get Started; Learn More. Important Chainer is under the maintenance phase. Read the blog.

Chainer is a powerful, flexible and intuitive deep learning framework. Chainer supports CUDA computation. It only requires a few lines of code to leverage a GPU ...

Google Colaboratory¶. You can install Chainer and CuPy using the following snippet on Google Colaboratory: !curl https://colab.chainer.org ...

Chainer at a Glance

  1. https://docs.chainer.org
  2. latest
  3. glance
  1. https://docs.chainer.org
  2. latest
  3. glance

Python-based – Chainer is developed in Python, allowing for inspection and customization of all code in python and understandable python messages at run time.

This configuration is used by Functions and Links that need to behave differently between training phase and evaluation (inference) phase. One example is ...

Chainer is a Python-based deep learning framework aiming at flexibility. It provides automatic differentiation APIs based on the define-by-run approach (a.k.a. ...

Chainer Blog

  1. https://chainer.org
  2. blog
  1. https://chainer.org
  2. blog

Open source deep learning framework Chainer officially supported by Amazon Web Services. Jun 1, 2018; In General. Chainer has worked with Amazon Web Services ...

Chainer Blog

  1. https://chainer.org
  2. blog
  1. https://chainer.org
  2. blog

Chainer is a Python-based, standalone open source framework for deep learning models. Chainer provides a flexible, intuitive, and high performance means of ...

2018/6/1 -Chainer's unparalleled ability for parallel computing combined with AWS cloud resources available on demand enables researchers and engineers to ...

API Reference¶ · Variable and Parameter · Variable classes and utilities · N-dimensional array · Functions · Arithmetic functions · Activation functions · Link and ...