
Mail_Mime - PHP

  1. https://pear.php.net
  2. package
  3. Mail_Mime
  1. https://pear.php.net
  2. package
  3. Mail_Mime

Mail_Mime provides classes to deal with the creation and manipulation of MIME messages. ... using RFC2047 and/or RFC2231. » Maintainers, » More Information.

Create MIME messages with PHP. Contribute to pear/Mail_Mime development by creating an account on GitHub.

Mail_Mime. A Package to enable easy creation of complex multipart emails. If you look for a simple API for creating such emails, then Mail_Mime class will ...

2010/12/26 -How to use pear mail mime ... Edit: The email is now received, however it turns out like this: This is a message I sent from <a href=3D"http://www ...

<?php /** * The Mail_Mime class is used to create MIME E-mail messages * * The Mail_Mime class provides an OO interface to create MIME * enabled email ...

2011/4/2 -Mail MIME. Provides a class for creating MIME messages. ... Mail Mime extends certain PEAR mail-handling classes to provide a drupal-friendly ...

2018/3/28 -Mail MIME class ... If you want to use the Mail_mime class, then follow the instructions below. Note: this class is not required, but you can use ...

Mail_Mime - Example

  1. https://dev.rbcafe.com
  2. php
  3. pear
  4. package.mail.mail-...
  1. https://dev.rbcafe.com
  2. php
  3. pear
  4. package.mail.mail-...

Example ... ); $mime = new Mail_mime(array('eol' => $crlf)); $mime->setTXTBody($text); $mime->setHTMLBody($html); $mime->addAttachment($file, 'text/plain'); $body ...

PEAR's Mail_mime class provides an object-oriented interface to all the behind-the-scenes details involved in creating an email message that contains both text ...

Found 75 RPM for php-pear(Mail_Mime) ; php-pear-Mail-Mime-1.10.12-1.fc40.noarch.html, Classes to create MIME messages, Fedora 40 testing updates for x86_64 ; php- ...