□ デジタル 温度・湿度センサー AM2321 を制御する □. AM2321 温度・湿度センサーは、1-Wireバスで通信するDHT22(AM2302)センサーに、I2C通信モードを追加し小型化した ...

AM2321 is a temperature and humidity composite sensor that contains calibrated digital signal output, using special temperature and humidity sensor acquisition ...

The AM2321 generally failed to give any output for K2NO3. It occaisionally provided an intermittent reading, but largely fails for humidity >90%. The AM2320 ...

AM2321 sensor support for Arduino. Contribute to wangdong/AM2321 development by creating an account on GitHub.

AM2321 Datasheet (PDF) · 1676.52 Kbytes ; 同様の部品番号 - AM2321 · VBsemi Electronics Co.,... ; 部品情報 · Analog Power, AM2321P · ANALOGPOWER-AM2321P Datasheet

Am2321. Measure temperature and humidity using Aosong's AM2321 sensor, including Munin plugin. The default path of I2C character device is set to /dev/i2c-1 , ...

Name: AM2322 Temperature and Humidity Module · Measuring temperature range: -40-80°C · Measuring humidity range: 0-99. 9%RH · Temperature detection accuracy: ±0.5℃.

AM2321 - Mbed

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  3. AM2321
  1. https://os.mbed.com
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  3. AM2321

AM2321. AM2321 Temperature and Humidity Sensor. Hello World. Import programAM2321_Example. AM2321 Temperature and Humidity Sensor mbed library ...

2016/9/28 -Product overview AM2321 digital temperature and humidity sensor is a compound sensor with calibrated digital signal output sensor. Using special ...

Palazzo Stone AM2321-05 Fabric by Andrew Martin to buy online at TM Interiors Limited.