
2015/4/2 -Hi. Many users are finally starting to move over from Raspbmc to OSMC, so we thought we'd write a small guide to help you get moved over ...

rpi-update is a command line application that will update your Raspberry Pi OS kernel and VideoCore firmware to the latest pre-release versions. Warning. Pre- ...

2013/2/14 -Raspbmc is a self-updating Linux distribution that brings XBMC to the Raspberry Pi with simple installation. It can be run off an SD card, USB ...

Raspbmc doesn't update. For some reason, xbmc and raspbmc didn't auto update anymore on my raspberry pi (running Raspbmc) since april this year. Usually when ...

2013/4/1 -Update transmission ... Currently I am using the latest version of RASPBMC and I have installed transmission from stable repositories. ... However, ...

The fix was to update the XML files related to the remote. First .xbmc/userdata/Lircmap.xml <lircmap> <remote device="devinput"> <back>KEY_ESC</back> ...

2023/11/14 -To update any available packages, you can run the command on your Raspberry Pi. sudo apt full-upgrade Copy. By ...

Updated: March 31, 2014. All right, a few days back, we talked about my first experience with Raspberry Pi, a cigarette-pack-sized micro-computer, ...

OSMC (Raspbmc), free download for Windows. Stream music, videos, and photos from Raspberry Pi with open-source media center software.

Both Raspbmc, and OpenELEC contain integrated update routines that regularly update the Linux media center. You won't have to worry about future manual updates.