
PECL is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and development of PHP extensions.

Package Browser :: Top Level-PECL specific docs-Package Statistics-Support

2024/3/21 -PECL :: The PHP Extension Community Library · Login | Packages | Support | Bugs. Search for in the. Packages, This site (using Google) ...

(1) A party may decline a tender of performance made before it is due except where acceptance of the tender would not unreasonably prejudice its interests.

PECL - Wikipedia

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org
  2. wiki
  3. PECL
  1. https://en.wikipedia.org
  2. wiki
  3. PECL

PECL · PHP Extension Community Library, a repository of extensions for the PHP programming language · Positive emitter-coupled logic, a family of digital ...

The PHP Extension Community Library (PECL) (pronounced pickle) is a repository for C and C++ extensions for compiling into the PHP language.

MAMP PRO provides you with all the requirements to install PHP Extensions using PECL. This guide shows you how to install a PHP Extension via PECL using the ...


  1. https://docs.saltproject.io
  2. states
  3. all
  4. salt.states.pecl.html
  1. https://docs.saltproject.io
  2. states
  3. all
  4. salt.states.pecl.html

salt.states.pecl. Installation of PHP Extensions Using pecl. These states manage the installed pecl extensions. Note that php-pear must be installed for ...


  1. http://man.he.net
  2. man1
  3. pecl
  1. http://man.he.net
  2. man1
  3. pecl

... pecl [ options ] command [command-options] <parameters> peardev [ options ] ... The pecl command is used to install PECL extensions. The peardev command is ...

The PHP Foundation is working on a new tool for installing PHP extensions. I sit together with James and Roman to talk about everything ...

YouTube-PHP Annotated

2023/1/5 -This section of the Module Installers interface allows you to manage and install PECL (PHP Extension Community Library) libraries.


PECL(ピクル、PHP Extension Community Library)は、PHPで利用できる拡張ライブラリ(パッケージ)を提供しているサービス。 PECLで提供されるライブラリはCで記述されているため、PHPで記述されたPEARのライブラリよりも高速に動作する。PEC…-Wikipedia