

2021/3/12 -マジカルナンバーとは、人間が瞬間的に保持できる情報の数は「7±2」であるとするもの。アメリカのハーバード大学の心理学者、ジョージ・ミラー ...

It is often interpreted to argue that the number of objects an average human can hold in short-term memory is 7 ± 2.

Miller's article-Other cognitive numeric limits

Miller proposed as a law of human cognition and information processing that humans can effectively process no more than seven units, or chunks, of information.

The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information by George A. Miller

It is shown that the unaided observer is severely limited in terms of the amount of information he can receive, process, and remember.

2023/1/24 -Miller's Law states that the average person can only hold about 7 (plus or minus 2) items in their working memory at a time. Working memory is ...

2021/8/23 -George Miller gave the 7 plus or minus 2 Rule to define the limits of human memory. What this means is that the short-term memory, which is also called the ...

The channel capacity for pitch seems to be about six and that is the best you can do. While we are on tones, let us look next at Garner's (7) work on loudness.

2015/11/6 -この数字は、アメリカの認知心理学者のジョージ・ミラー(注:マッドマックスの監督にあらず)が1956年に提唱したもの…とされているが、実は当の本人はこれを ...

Miller's original theory argues that people can keep no more than 7 (plus or minus 2) items in their short-term memory. On a webpage, however, the information ...