
This article is a quick-start guide for ip6tables - the IPv6 version of iptables, covering the basics of installing, configuring, viewing, editing, ...

2017/8/3 -ip6tables operates the same way as iptables . It even supports NAT, network address translation, although I can't think of a good use case for ...

2009/12/25 -iptables only filters IPv4 traffic. Rules setup in iptables will not touch ipv6 traffic and thus you should use ip6tables.

2018/7/1 -ICMPv6 can get very complicated depending on what you want to permit or deny, though probably can be handled with the connection tracking ...

The command used to manipulate the IPv6 netfilter is ip6tables . Most directives for this command are identical to those used for iptables , except the nat ...

Ip6tables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IPv6 packet filter rules in the Linux kernel. Several different tables may be defined. Each ...

2018/6/8 -It is the most common and widely used Linux firewall for IPv4 traffic and it has a version called ip6tables, which is used for IPv6 traffic.

2018/10/13 -In this tutorial, we will explain you how to block and unblock an IPv4 and IPv6. Address on your Linux Dedicated Server with iptables.

2023/2/19 -In this article, we will discuss how to configure Iptables for IPv6 networks, including the basics of IPv6 addressing, the structure of IPv6 ...

2020/12/30 -Yes, you can list all iptables rules. IPv4 Iptables ALL rules Linux command. Open the terminal and then type as the root user:

A./var/log/messages を確認してください。 モジュールのロードエラーが起きていませんか? たとえば Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.18-194.el5


A.cat /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo で、ちゃんと表示されるなら ネットワーク環境がおかしいのだと思います。 nslookup mirrors.fedoraproject.
