2023/9/30 -自身を中心とした座標40×40の範囲内にモンスター、他プレイヤーキャラ、NPC等が10体以上存在すると発動する。 発動すると10秒間、追加ダメージがSKILL値×2 ...


Cards can be equipped on Heroes to gain extra bonuses. Every Hero at 2 Stars or less has 1 Card Slot available. When some Heroes reach 3 Stars, ...

モンスターカードとは. ・1枚のカードを装備できる・いろいろな効果のあるスキルを最大8個つけることができTWやるには必須レベル・スキルはカード合成によって1つの ...


Enhancements · Chance to cause -status- Slow Slow on enemy hit · Boost odds of inflicting ailment by 2% · Recover HP equal to 8% of damage dealt · Boost odds of ...

This is a list of Fairy Tale cards. Fairy Tale is a series in the manga.

A credit card is a payment card, usually issued by a bank, allowing its users to purchase goods or services or withdraw cash on credit. Using the card thus ...

闇属性ハーデス専用アビリティカード。このアビリティカードはバトル中に使用する。 ... 相手の爆丸は-200される。やつらを木っ端微塵にしろ! BBP ...

This song, which relates the tale of a young American soldier arrested and charged with playing cards during a church service, first became a hit in the U.S. in ...

Seiga Kaku is a mysterious wicked hermit hailing from China. Having revived Yoshika and turned her into a jiang shi, she now treats her like a pet.