
KEY WORDS: Multiple comparisons; Simultaneous in- ference; Bonferroni tests; Stagewise multiple tests; Power;. Experimentwise error rate. 1. INTRODUCTION.

2012/3/12 -Holm (1979) introduced a modified Bonferroni procedure with greater power than the B procedure. Under Holm's sequentially rejective Bonferroni ( ...

above, the modified sequentially-rejective Bonferroni method is more powerful than the unmodified method. For some simple applications, see Levin et al.

It is shown that both the Holm and Shaffer procedures can be improved under the assumption of positive orthant dependence for the test statistics. It is noted ...

Shaffer's Modified sequentially rejective multiple test procedures presented two more powerful modifications (commonly referred to as S1 and S2) of Holm's ...

2023/10/30 -The modified Shaffer sequential Bonferroni procedure was used to control the inflation of type I error rate (Donoghue, 2004; Shaffer, 1986).

2015/3/24 -It shows more power compared to the Bonferroni procedure. 1.2.2. Shaffer's modified sequentially rejective Bonferroni procedure. It is a ...

SUMMARY. Simes (1986) has proposed a modified Bonferroni procedure for the test of an overall hypothesis which is the combination of n individual hypotheses. In ...

We first note that Shaffer's powerful sequentially rejective procedure ... Modified sequentially-rejective multiple test procedures ... An improved Bonferroni ...

Shaffer's method has been modified ... Sequentially rejective Bonferroni-based closed testing proce-.

A.分散分析と各水準の多重比較の目的の違いを認識する必要があります。 各種の統計ソフトは,主効果や交互作用の検定と,多重比較の結果が,両方とも出力されるので,注意が必要です 例えば,弘前大・対馬...
