
The PEAR::Auth package provides methods for creating an authentication system using PHP. Currently it supports the following storage containers to read/write

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Manual :: Auth - PHP

  1. https://pear.php.net
  2. package.authentication.auth.php
  1. https://pear.php.net
  2. package.authentication.auth.php

Provides a framework for user authentication. Table of Contents. Introduction — A usage example; Auth Options — Options for controlling the behaviour of Auth ...

2017/10/13 -auth is set to true, but I need it to be true and set to LOGIN method. Can anyone help me out with the syntax for this? $smtp = Mail:: ...

... PEAR::Auth * * The PEAR::Auth class provides methods for creating an * authentication system using PHP. * * @category Authentication * @package Auth ...

PEAR is a PHP framework from The PHP Group that provides reusable PHP components or classes. PEAR::Mail is one of these classes and it provides advanced ...

2009/7/15 -If you use both Pear and Zend framework you may want to extend the Zend_Auth adapters to use all the containers shipped with the Pear::Auth ...

PEAR portal


Welcome to PEAR Portal! If your provider organization is not yet enrolled, select ... PEAR portal. The registration form requires an officer or owner of the ...

Auth で 認証[Pear::Auth]. Pear の中に Auth というパッケージがあります。 このパッケージを利用することでユーザー認証や認証用のフォームを作成することができます。

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