
2011/4/6 -You can import it this way: import com.example.FileUtils.getFileName or just write context.getFileName(uri) and hit Alt+Enter and your IDE will ...

2024/1/3 -To get the data type of a shared file given its content URI, the client app calls ContentResolver.getType() . This method returns the file's ...

Now, we can extract filename with and without extension :) You will convert your bitmap to uri and get the real path of your file. Now we have a path.

In this video you will learn how to get file name from URI. Link to previous video (file chooser) and android playlist: ...

YouTube-SWIK by Mir Taha Ali

Kotlin: get file name in Android. Raw. FileUtils.kt. private fun getFileName(context: Context, uri: Uri): String {. if (uri.scheme == "content") {. val cursor ...

2024/3/22 -Hi everyone,. I'm working on an Android app using Kotlin and facing a challenge with extracting the real file name from a URI after ...

2020/7/13 -So, you have a content:// Uri that you want to extract file name and file size from, here is a utility with code coverage that's going to ...

In programming, a file uniform resource identifier (URI) scheme is a specific format of URI, used to specifically identify a file on a host computer.

2017/11/24 -となっている(「xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx」はファイル名)。 また、「Gmail」アプリの添付ファイルを取得すると、.

2018/12/14 -For a current project, it is necessary to determine the file name of a file that was selected with the ContentChooser. The file names were ...

A.values.put("_data", path); これのpathには何が格納されてる? メディアストレージのデータベース覗いてみると、ビデオファイルのテーブルの_data


A.%{REQUEST_FILENAME} は、フルパスになってます。 フルパスの前に sp/を付けてもだめです。 仕方ないので、 %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/sp%{REQUEST_URI}
