SUV (Dead Rising 2)

  2. SUV_(Dead_Rising_2)
  2. SUV_(Dead_Rising_2)

The SUV, also commonly called the Jeep or Humvee, is a Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record vehicle · The vehicle key costs $2,000,000 ($2,500,000 in ...

2023/3/3 -SUVとは、Sport utility vehicleの略。詳しくはこちら を。 4人乗りの大型車で、3人もの同乗者を乗せられる。 価格は200万㌦ ...

2022/8/8 -ダメージ蓄積で耐久力が無くなると突然、爆発と共に煙を吹いて追い出されるという謎仕様。また、SUVと同様の防護性能も有している。 Trackback(0) | ...

The SUV Key is a key item in Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record. Purchasing this item from the pawnshop located on the Silver Strip allows ...

2011/8/19 -デッドライジング2について質問なんですが車の鍵の場所と質屋への行き方をおしえてください 車というと、ロイヤルフラッシュプラザにあるスーパー ...

2022/4/12 -Dead Rising 2: Off the Record 項目数:50 総ポイント:1000 難易度 DR2の実績と比べ収集系が減少、また大半のサイドケースも無視出来る ...

2011/10/15 -Do you have to get further in the game, or do something specific for the SUV keys to be there? I just restarted because I got to the end of the ...

2015/4/6 -I have enough money in game to get the SUV Key in Story mode, but I held off on buying it because I'm not sure if I can use it in Sandbox ...

2012/1/6 -I bought the Keys to the SUV, but they are not listed in my "Key Items" where the chopper, sports car, and Chuck's Trailer keys are listed, so ...

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